Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Countdown: 5 months and one mild panic attack

I have absolutely no idea what to expect. Like no fucking clue.
Oh, you can say "No one knows what to expect!  Don't worry! Everyone's just as nervous as you!"

Really? They all sure fucking hide it well, don't they?

What do they eat in Europe? What do they have there that isn't in the US, and vice versa?  I barely survived my internship in Disney because I had to cook for myself, and that was in America! I shopped at Walmart! Do they have Walmart in Germany? If I had to guess I would say no, or at least not in Bonn, where I'll be living. People like to laugh at me, but starving to death is a legit concern of mine. No one else is concerned about this? I'm not kidding around! I guess I'll eat a lot of fruit and vegetable. That's the only thing I'm sure of that exists everywhere in the world. This isn't just a study abroad program, it's a weight loss program. Not to mention, "kitchen" I have in my apartment in Germany is so small it's a huge joke. It's literally in a closet. How the hell am I supposed to cook anything there? There's two burners. No microwave. I've never lived without a microwave. I might as well go outside and eat the grass like a fucking cow. I'll post pictures once I actually get there, I just know what it looks like from some other pictures I've seen.

Where do I shop for like home furnishings? Ikea? I it's is awesome but I don't think I've ever even seen an Ikea around here. I've heard conflicting stories, one person says it's super cheap and another person says it's really expensive.  That's comforting.

 It's going to be up to me to make friends,(according to my Dean who is overseeing this program) So that's fucking fantastic considering I hate people, and I like to be left alone under most circumstances.  (See my other blog "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Bitch  http://jenniallegedly.blogspot.com/ to know my everyday life and my hatred of people) I have a solid small group of friends, (which is exactly the way I like it) all of whom who think in similar ways as me, and "get" my humor after having to deal with me for so long, but it takes a while for a new person to get used to me, as I've heard before.

Okay so I don't actually hate people. But I really dislike having to do group projects and working in pairs. And just walking my happy ass up to people to introduce myself sounds like some sort of nightmare. I know that's what I'll have to do, so that should be a good old time. I like to hide my insecurities behind my odd sense of humor, and dramatic attitude and such/ I can't do that in Germany! They know English there, especially at IUBH the University I'll be attending (it's English speaking) but I'm thinking that my sarcasm and whatnot may have difficulty translating different cultures. What I need is a really sarcastic, funny, dramatic German girl to be my friend. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find one?